Attending to Scientist2Entrepreneur (S2E) Program! Finding my way into the world of startups!

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Attending to Scientist2Entrepreneur (S2E) Program! Finding my way into the world of startups!

During the last couple of months, I have been reading literature and gathering information on gaps that we have in the intersection of health, VR, and ML-AI. I came up with several ideas, however, having a good idea would never guarantee to yield the best result. Therefore, I also contacted several places and met with amazing people who shed light on the path to “bake” that idea and shape it into a form of a product, either B2B or B2C.

During the described effort, I got to know about scientist2entrepreneur (S2E) program. The S2E program spans 8-weeks, where participants will explore the opportunities and challenges in entrepreneurship as an alternative career path – from the various potential applications of your technology to creating a network in the ecosystem.
S2E launched on a national level in January 2022. Prior to this, the program was hosted on a provincial level through Concordia University in Quebec, titled Quebec Scientific Entrepreneurship Program.